#socrates /poisoning, PLANTS, berries & FUNGI, general The {narcotic} & sedative properties of wild plants have been familiar to man since civilization began. Some people believe that Socrates, the Greek philosopher, died by drinking a cup of hemlock. The fears of poisoning from plants & fungi are more imagined than real (in the U.K. only 2 people are known to have died of plant poisoning in the last 15yrs). There is rarely occasion for alarm. Treatment is normally mild remedy of symptoms & reassuring measures. But if you are in any doubt, seek medical advice. Several species of plants are poisonous to eat or can cause a severe allergic reaction if their leaves brush against the skin. If in doubt about type of digested plant, identification is vital. If possible, get a sample of the plant/berries ingested. #child eaten berries Children are fond of eating berries which grow wild & can often be found in a domestic garden. Young children are the most commonly affected, as a result of eating colorful berries. !b! Children should be taught not to sample berries or any type of wild plant. !n! Symptoms vary according to the plant, but may include: $1 abdominal pain {vomiting} excitement flushing {diarrhea} breathing difficulties {delirium} {coma} $1 Medical help should be called immediately. Treatment is usually a {stomach pump} & relief of symptoms. Fatal poisoning is very rare.